Vintana Labs


In-Store Sales Management
Accelerate growth with a full suite of solutions that allows you to track, manage and analyse sales, inventory, attendance in real time

Business Intelligence On-The-Go


Effortlessly monitor attendance in real-time using GPS Geo-Fencing, complete with timestamped clock-in and clock-out reports.

AIRMEP Inventory

Gain a comprehensive overview of your entire retail inventory and its turnover rates, while tracking inventory movements across all touchpoints.

analytics & reporting

Receive daily reports on sales and inventory, accompanied by dynamic visual graphs showcasing real-time month-to-date data from inputted data.

AIRMEP Mobility

Experience seamless 24/7 access through both web-based and mobile interfaces without the need for additional hardware, ensuring compatibility across all devices.

AIRMEP Feedback

Facilitate management needs with notification and feedback functions, and conduct real-time market customer surveys for instant insights.

AIRMEP Performance

Track sales and employee performance and receive customised alerts and reports tailored to your specific business requirements.


One dashboard to rule it all

AIRMEP dashboard is a center of all things for an admin to have a view of everything from sales, products to employee performance analytics.

View vital statistics about your sales progress, future sales projections and summaries all on one clear and simple dashboard screen.

Keep track of your inventory in real time

Did you lose out on business when items were out of stock? Or did you lose money due to excess stock? AIRMEP’s stock management updates in real time and lets sellers manage their inventory from anywhere. It automatically calculates run-rates and alerts you when stocks runs low
Inventory Management

Manage your team remotely

The tool works as a punch clock and gives you complete visibility on employees’ attendance, location and time spent on work. Every attendance is digitally verified using GPS technology. You can also easily manage your team shift with minimal effort.

Ready to take your business to the next level?

Connect with our team of experts and discover how our solution can drive your success.